Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Up Splash Mountain

The most ambitious project in Adventureland is the re-themeing of Splash Mountain into "Up Splash Mountain". Orignally titled "Goin' Up Splash Mountain", John Lasseter had the name changed to better represent the Pixar property worried the name may get lost when placed after "Goin' ". Imagineers were very careful to keep as much of the original ride as possible. They kept most of the scenerary from the ride and just re-skinned the animitronics to resemble characters from the movie. Most of the characters were changed to look like the dogs from the movie. The begining of the ride which was just berrain land with a few props scattered through out stays similar. Now the props are items which have fallen out of Russel's backpack along his way. There is also animal tracts through out and a couple of critters can be spotted. Through out this part, there are radio walkie-talkies laying around with Russel speaking to you (Wildernous Explorers) through the other side with Carl butting in occasionally. Russel is asking for your help to find them, since they are lost in the jungle. The ride premise is you jump into a Wilderness Explorer canoe and run through the jungle's river to go to help Carl, Russel, and Dug escape from Charles Muntz' gang of Dogs. Along the way they discover Kevin and help Kevin to reach her babies. All the Dog's on the ride have 5 minute's of dialog full of hilarious sayings and punch lines. The biggest change from the orignal ride is the finale scene with the steam boat has been removed and completely set to a new scene. The finale has Carl, Russel, Dug, Kevin, Kevin's Babies, along side the house with only a few balloons left. Here, Russel announces he couldn't have done it with out his fellow Wildernous Exlorer freinds (you) and they all together do "Adventure is out there, caw-caw, rawr!"

At the entrance of the ride, Dug greats guests with his salutations. "Squirrel!"

The outside of the ride remains similar to before. The briar patch has been removed and replaced with Fallen trees. The tree at the top of Splash mountain has also been removed so that the mountain can better resemble Paradise Falls. At the very top of the mountain a force prespective house attached to balloons fly's above only attached by a hose. The orignal house was actually a giant balloon attached to an air supply to always remain inflated, but weather forced Imaginers to redesign the house and balloons into a foam core resin house and balloons held up by a steal beam painted sky blue to blend it better.

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